A control for editing a bezier curve. Ideal for tweaking animation easing values.
Integrates the Cubic Bezier control from Tweakpane-creator Hiroki Kokubun's Essentials plugin.
Svelte Tweakpane UI extends the original implementation to by supporting tuple values in addition to object values.
A utility function Utils.cubicBezierToEaseFunction()
is also provided to easily convert a cubic bezier value to an easing function compatible with Svelte's built-in motion, transition, and animate modules.
Usage outside of a <Pane>
component will implicitly wrap the cubic bezier control in <Pane position="inline">
Note that Svelte Tweakpane UI embeds a fork of the plugin with build optimizations and a fix for a performance issue. The fork also changes the package name from @tweakpane/plugin-essentials
to @kitschpatrol/tweakpane-plugin-essentials
for consistency with other plugins.
<script lang="ts"> import { CubicBezier, type CubicBezierValue, RadioGrid, Slider, Utils, } from 'svelte-tweakpane-ui' import { tweened } from 'svelte/motion'
// could also be a tuple let value: CubicBezierValue = { x1: 0.25, y1: 0.1, x2: 0.25, y2: 1, } let duration = 1000 let moods = ['Set', 'Rise'] let mood: string = moods[0]
const positionTween = tweened(0)
function lerp(value: number, low: number, high: number): number { return (1 - value) * low + value * high }
$: positionTween.set(mood === 'Set' ? 0 : 1, { duration, easing: Utils.cubicBezierToEaseFunction(value), })
$: celestialHeight = lerp($positionTween, 20, 80) $: twilightAmount = lerp($positionTween, 20, -80)</script>
<CubicBezier bind:value expanded={true} picker="inline" /><Slider bind:value={duration} min={0} max={10_000} format={(v) => `${(v / 1000).toFixed(1)}`} label="Duration (Seconds)"/><RadioGrid bind:value={mood} values={['Rise', 'Set']} />
<div class="demo" style:--a="{twilightAmount}%"> <div class="celestial-object" style:--t="{celestialHeight}%"></div></div>
<style> .demo { position: relative; overflow: hidden; aspect-ratio: 1; width: 100%; background: linear-gradient(to top, orange var(--a), magenta 100%); }
.celestial-object { position: absolute; bottom: var(--t); left: 50%; transform-origin: center; transform: translate(-50%, 50%); aspect-ratio: 1; width: 20%; background-color: yellow; border-radius: 50%; }</style>
bindablerequired | |
Description | The cubic bezier value to control. Object value type is a convenience added by Svelte Tweakpane UI, and is not part of the original |
Type | CubicBezierValue |
optional | |
Description | Text displayed next to the control. |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | Allow users to interactively expand / contract the value picker by clicking its icon. Most useful when |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
bindableoptional | |
Description | Expand or collapse the blade's picker. |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
optional | |
Description | The style of value "picker" to use in the blade. |
Type | 'inline' | 'popup' |
Default | 'popup' |
optional | |
Description | Prevent interactivity and gray out the control. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
optional | |
Description | Custom color scheme. |
Type | Theme |
Default | undefined Inherits default Tweakpane theme equivalent to ThemeUtils.presets.standard , or the theme set with setGlobalDefaultTheme() . |
Description | Fires when This event is provided for advanced use cases. It's usually preferred to bind to the The |
Extends | ValueChangeEvent |
Type | CubicBezierChangeEvent |