Wraps the Tweakpane point bindings.
Provides a nice cartesian picker for 2D points, and numeric input fields for 3D and 4D points. See the <RotationEuler>
and <RotationQuaternion>
components for higher-dimension graphical pickers.
Extends the vanilla JS Tweakpane APIs to also support tuple values. (Useful when working with frameworks like three.js / threlte.)
is a dynamic component, and the availability of the optionsZ
and optionsW
props will change depending on the number of dimensions in the value
Usage outside of a <Pane>
component will implicitly wrap the point picker in a <Pane position="inline">
2D Value: { "x": 0, "y": 0 } 3D Value: [ 0, 0, 0 ] 4D Value: { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "w": 0 }
<script lang="ts"> import { Point, type PointOptions, type PointValue2d, type PointValue3d, type PointValue4d, } from 'svelte-tweakpane-ui'
let point2d: PointValue2d = { x: 0, y: 0 }
// tuples are also fine let point3d: PointValue3d = [0, 0, 0]
// dimension-specific option type needs to know the type of the point value let point3dXOptions: PointOptions<'3', 'x'> = { min: -100, max: 100, }
let point4d: PointValue4d = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0, }</script>
<Point bind:value={point2d} expanded={true} label="2D Point Picker" picker="inline" userExpandable={false}/><Point bind:value={point3d} label="3D Point Picker" optionsX={point3dXOptions}/><Point bind:value={point4d} min={0} max={100} label="4D Point Picker" />
<pre>2D Value:{JSON.stringify(point2d, null, 2)}
3D Value:{JSON.stringify(point3d, null, 2)}
4D Value:{JSON.stringify(point4d, null, 2)}</pre>
bindablerequired | |
Description | A 2D, 3D, or 4D point object to control. Takes a tuple with a The type of this value will determine the availability of axis-specific option props. The value to control. |
Type | PointValue2d | PointValue3d | PointValue4d |
optional | |
Description | The minimum value for all dimensions. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined No minimum. |
optional | |
Description | The maximum value for all dimensions. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined No maximum. |
optional | |
Description | A function to customize the point value's string representation (e.g. rounding, etc.). |
Type | ((value: number) => string) |
Default | undefined Normal .toString() formatting. |
optional | |
Description | The unit scale for key-based input for all dimensions (e.g. the up and down arrow keys). |
Type | number |
Default | 1 Or stepValue if defined. |
optional | |
Description | The unit scale for pointer-based input for all dimensions. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined Dynamic based on magnitude of value . |
optional | |
Description | The minimum step interval for all dimensions. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined No step constraint. |
optional | |
Description | Prevent interactivity and gray out the control. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
optional | |
Description | Text displayed next to control. |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | Custom color scheme. |
Type | Theme |
Default | undefined Inherits default Tweakpane theme equivalent to ThemeUtils.presets.standard , or the theme set with setGlobalDefaultTheme() . |
optional | |
Description | Allow users to interactively expand / contract the picker. |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
bindableoptional | |
Description | Expand or collapse the input's picker. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
optional | |
Description | The style of value "picker" to use in the input. |
Type | 'inline' | 'popup' |
Default | 'popup' |
optional | |
Description | Input parameters specific to the X dimension. Renamed from |
Type | NumberTextInputParams |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | Input parameters specific to the Y dimension. For 2D point values, the object also includes the Renamed from |
Type | NumberTextInputParams | Point2dYParams |
Default | undefined inverted is false |
optionaldynamic | |
Description | Input parameters specific to the Z dimension. Renamed from |
Type | NumberTextInputParams |
Default | undefined |
Conditions | Available when value is 3D or value is 4D. |
optionaldynamic | |
Description | Input parameters specific to the W dimension. Renamed from |
Type | NumberTextInputParams |
Default | undefined |
Conditions | Available when value is 4D. |
Description | Fires when This event is provided for advanced use cases. It's usually preferred to bind to the The |
Extends | ValueChangeEvent |
Type | PointChangeEvent |