A slider component providing fine-grained control over numeric values.
Wraps Tweakpane's number bindings.
Note that if min
and max
props are not defined, no linear slider widget will be provided and a input field with a draggable handle will be used instead.
See the <Interval>
component for a multi-handle range-defining slider.
Usage outside of a <Pane>
component will implicitly wrap the slider in <Pane position="inline">
Value: 0
<script lang="ts"> import { Slider } from 'svelte-tweakpane-ui'
let value = 0</script>
<Slider bind:value min={-1} max={1} format={(v) => v.toFixed(2)} label="Let it Slide"/><pre>Value: {value}</pre>
bindablerequired | |
Description | A |
Type | number |
optional | |
Description | Prevent interactivity and gray out the control. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
optional | |
Description | Text displayed next to control. |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | Custom color scheme. |
Type | Theme |
Default | undefined Inherits default Tweakpane theme equivalent to ThemeUtils.presets.standard , or the theme set with setGlobalDefaultTheme() . |
optional | |
Description | Minimum value. Specifying both a |
Type | number |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | Maximum value. Specifying both a |
Type | number |
Default | undefined |
optional | |
Description | The minimum step interval. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined No step constraint. |
optional | |
Description | The unit scale for pointer-based input for all dimensions. |
Type | number |
Default | undefined Dynamic based on magnitude of value . |
optional | |
Description | The unit scale for key-based input for all dimensions (e.g. the up and down arrow keys). |
Type | number |
Default | 1 Or stepValue if defined. |
optional | |
Description | A function to customize the point value's string representation (e.g. rounding, etc.). |
Type | ((value: number) => string) |
Default | undefined Normal .toString() formatting. |
optional | |
Description | When |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Description | Fires when This event is provided for advanced use cases. It's usually preferred to bind to the The |
Extends | ValueChangeEvent |
Type | SliderChangeEvent |